Adult Ministry

Welcome to Adult Ministry

Join us at 9:30 am on Sundays and get connected with others like yourself through a small group class. Our Group Bible Study classes are designed to help you learn the Bible better, enhance your prayer life, and grow deeper as a part of God’s family.

Weekly Schedule


9:30 am Small Group Bible Study


6:00 pm Midweek Worship

Young Adults

Teacher: Amber Coleman
Location: Student Worship Center

This class is designed for those 18-23 who are in college or working. The teaching style involves activities and discussion centered on practical Bible applications
Teacher: Wendy Cranford & Kay Petrus
Location: Student Center Room S111

This class is for those 24-30ish working or those working on their master's degrees.
Teacher: Caitlyn Bamburg
Location: Student Center Room S110

This class is designed for all young married couples 18-30ish. The teaching style is geared more toward open discussion.
Teacher: Gus Johnson
Location: Student Center Room S209

This class is for married couples. The teaching style is informal with discussion.

Median Adults

Teacher: Mark Juneau
Location: Student Center Room S207

A relational class made up of primarily those in their 40’s that utilizes a lecture teaching style as well as a discussion format to cover life issues in the world today.
Teacher: Wendy Bailes
Location: Ministry House

This class for married and single women in their 40’s and 50’s with a good mixture of lecture and discussion.
Teacher: Todd Bordelon
Location: Adult Building Room 202

Members of this class of median married adults are in their mid to late 50’s comprised primarily of empty nesters. The teaching style is lecture and discussion oriented.
Teacher: Paul Eaton
Location: Student Center Room S211

A class comprised of couples in their 40’s. An informal teaching style is used with active class participation and discussion.
Teacher: Matt Saterfiel
Location: Student Center Room S210

This Class consists of couples primarily in their 40's. The teaching style is lecture with some discussion.
Teacher: Wade Bishop
Location: Student Center Room S213

This class has couples in their 30’s and 40’s. The teaching style is lecture with some discussion.
Teacher: Bobby Semmes
Location: Student Center Room S208

This class consists of couples primarily in their late 30’s to early 40’s. The teaching style is lecture with some discussion.

Older Median Adults

Teacher: Joe Hall
Location: Fellowship Hall

A class comprised of those in their mid 60's that enjoy their grandchildren and are either retired or looking to get there soon! The class uses a lecture-style teaching format.
Teacher: Milton Jones
Location: Adult Building Room 104

A class that includes those in their late 60’s that use some lecture coupled with a good amount of discussion. Class carries a strong emphasis on community involvement.
Teacher: Clyde Self
Location: Adult Building Room 103

A class for those in their 60's with a healthy balance of lecture and class discussion. 
Teachers: Larry Baldwin & Mike Langston
Location: Adult Building Room 203

A class that includes those mostly in their early 6o’s with a good mixture of class discussion and lecture.
Teacher: Mike Pirtle
Location: Student Building Room 212

A class that includes those in their 50's and early 6o’s with a good mixture of class discussion and lecture.
Teacher: Shelia Stark
Location: Room 100

A women's class in their 60’s with a lecture teaching format with some discussion.
Teacher: John Ford
Location: Adult Building Room 205

A new class that includes those in their early 6o’s with a good mixture of class discussion and lecture.
Teacher: Roger Lawrence
Location: Adult Building Room 201

A class with open borders for adults of any age. The goal each Sunday is to achieve a deeper understanding of God's Word mixed with practical life application.
Teacher: Todd Bordelon
Location: Adult Building Room 202

Members of this class of median married adults are in their mid to late 50’s comprised primarily of empty nesters. The teaching style is lecture and discussion oriented.

Senior Adults

Teacher: Candy Gates
Location: Adult Building Room 105

This is a women’s class, small enough to encourage comments, questions and discussion, and prayer for individual and church needs. It is comprised of married and single women in their late 60’s to early 70’s with a healthy balance of lecture and discussion.
Teachers: Polk Brian
Location: Adult Building Room 101

Members in this class are men ranging from their late 70’s to 80’s. A formal style of teaching is employed while enjoying the fellowship of one another.
Teacher: Cathy Waldrop
Location: Adult Building Room 102

A lively group of women in their 70’s that enjoy a lecture teaching style with strong biblical and historical emphasis on the lesson. This class is active in pursuing avenues to do missions in the community.
Teacher: Jim Merriweather
Location: Adult Building Room 204

The teaching style of this class made up primarily of retired couples in their 70’s is lecture paired with some discussion.
Teacher: Joe Phillips
Location: Adult Building Room 106

This group of couples in their mid-70’s enjoys a healthy balance of lecture and discussion.
Teacher: Nancy Green & Jully DuBoice
Location: Ministry House

Class begins at 9:30 am.

Amigos Spanish Class