Next Steps

McClendon Baptist Church began as an outgrowth of a Bible study class started by Mrs. Shannon Rogers in 1930. This is the story, as remembered by Mrs. Louise Brown, one of the children in that Bible study class and a charter member of McClendon. “One day, some children were walking to school, and Donald Rogers asked his mom if he could go with them. She agreed even though they were older than him. They noticed a log truck and waited for it to pass as they began to cross the road. Donald thought he could make it but didn’t and was killed. All his mom could think about was the prior Sunday that Donald had asked her to go the Sunday School with him, and she promised him she would go the next Sunday. Well, next Sunday never came. Mrs. Rogers never was bitter; instead, she drove up and down the street, asking children to go to Sunday School. Later, land and materials were donated, and McClendon Baptist Church was built. McClendon was birthed out of a ministry to children.”

In February 1931, the church was organized in its present location. During the ministry of E. A. Burgess, the land was donated, and the first brick sanctuary was built in 1955. During the ’60s, a nursery, educational building, and parking lots were added. In 1972, McClendon was one of the first churches of its size to build a recreation building (gym). The church was in a building mode in the ’80s, with the addition of a sanctuary in 1980 and the remodeling of the children and educational buildings in 1983. The current adult education building was built in 1992, with an expanded nursery in 1993. In 2008, McClendon broke ground on a Children’s Building with a total project cost of $2.7 million. Through the faithful giving of its members, McClendon Baptist Church was ultimately able to pay off the building note in November 2013. All praise be to God!

In July 1966, the church called a young preacher from south Louisiana, Herman Savoie, to be a pastor. Under his long-tenured leadership of 33 years, the church grew to average more than 400 in Sunday School, beginning many new ministries, including Ouachita Baptist Church in 1987.

The church began a second-morning worship service in 2001 under the leadership of Rick Crandall. Since its inception, this new service has helped the church reach many young families. After almost two years of looking for a pastor, in June 2012, Dr. Kevin Stewart was called as pastor. Under his leadership, the church has a renewed and clarified vision.
McClendon Baptist exists to make a spiritual impact on individuals in Ouachita Parish and beyond. All our potential for Kingdom growth is dependent on God. Relying on God through prayer and obedience connects us to the only one who grows the Church − God Himself.

Session Two

Spiritual gifts
A certain capacity given to us by God’s grace which empowers us for a special service that benefits others. Below are team gifts that benefit the entire church and its ministry.

Prophecy ( Ephesians 4:11) is the God-given capacity and desire to serve God by proclaiming God’s truth.

Teaching ( Ephesians 4:11) is the God-given capacity to serve God by making clear the truth of the Bible with accuracy and simplicity.

Exhortation (Romans 12:8) is the God-given capacity to serve God by motivating others to action by urging them to pursue a course of conduct that would honor God.

Shepherding/Pastoring (Ephesians 4:11) is the God-given capacity to serve God by overseeing, training, and caring for the needs of a group of Christians.

This is not to be confused with the office of the Pastor in the church.

Mercy Showing (Romans 12:8) is the God-given capacity and desire to serve God by identifying with and comforting those who are in distress.

Serving/Helps (Romans 12:7) is the God-given capacity to serve God by rendering practical help in both physical and spiritual matters. New Christians should start out in this area. As they help in a variety of ministries, God will begin to confirm their spiritual gift and how they can use it.

Giving (Romans 12:8) is the God-given capacity and desire to serve God by giving of his/her material resources, far beyond the tithe, to further the work of God.

Leading (Romans 12:8) is the God-given capacity and desire to serve God by organizing, administrating, promoting, and leading the various affairs of the church.

New Here?

At McClendon you will find a church large enough to provide quality ministries but small enough that you will be valued. 

How to Become a Christ Follower

To be at peace with God and have eternal life with God, you have to come to God on His terms.

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